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已阅读2017-09-28 10:50 来源:互联网新闻 编辑:佚名 分享:

One wrote: 'My hubby would never wear a #romphim'. 一位网友写道:“我丈夫绝对不会穿# romphim男士连体裤。” However it wasn't all negative with one man branding them 'cute' while Ken Casparis said he


One wrote: 'My hubby would never wear a #romphim'.
一位网友写道:“我丈夫绝对不会穿# romphim男士连体裤。”


However it wasn't all negative with one man branding them 'cute' while Ken Casparis said he 'would probably wear one'.

A spokesperson for ACED Design told Femail: 'It was very cool to see so many people supporting the Kickstarter (campaign).
ACED Design的设计师告诉《每日邮报》女性专栏:“看到有这么多人支持我们的众筹活动,真的太棒了。”

'We knew the product was something we would wear, and we had gotten positive initial feedback from a wide range of people who tested it out, but we really didn't foresee it being so popular on day one.'

Speaking about the social media backlash, they added: 'With any new fashion, there will be supporters and critics, but we look forward to using the feedback to continue to make standout clothing.





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